YoungEd Africa Fellowships
What is the YoungEd Africa Fellowship Programme?
YoungEd Africa Fellowship is a 9-months annual programme aimed at providing scholarships, capacity development sponsorship and community building opportunities for scholars and professionals who are building careers in the education sector.
Who is eligible to participate in the YoungEd Africa Fellowship?
Scholars - African undergraduate and post-graduate students in an African institution, currently in 200L and above and who are pursuing education qualification that supports their vision of building a career in education.
Professionals - African professionals living in Africa, who demonstrate a vision for solving are interested in building successful careers in education.
Do I need to pay to participate in the YoungEd Fellowship programme?
No, application and participation is FREE.
What kinds of courses and training does the YoungEd Fellowship programme support?
Online Courses and Certifications - we support all types of courses available online that help the YoungEd Fellow expand their knowledge and skills in their desired education career tracks. Candidates apply for these courses via the YoungEd Online Learning Library, a curation of courses from the world’s leading online learning platforms.
In Person Trainings/Conferences/Seminars - due to the impact of the COVID-19, support for in person in-person capacity development events have been temporarily halted.
How much is given to successful candidates and how is it disbursed?
YoungEd Africa maintains a no-cash policy, hence no cash is given to successful candidates.
For successful Scholars - all tuition fees (equal to or below USD300) are paid directly to their institutions.
For successful Professionals - a YoungEd Fund of USD150 is disbursed via a virtual wallet with which payment can be made for their desired online courses/certificates.
All Fellows also get FREE 1GB per month for the duration of the program
These amounts will increase as we get more programme funding.
What are the key dates around the YoungEd Fellowship programme?
Applications open Oct 5 (International Teachers Day)
Selection Notices sent out Jan 24 (International Day of Education)
Award Notices (after candidate verification) are sent out Mar 15
Fellowship Commencement - Apr 1
Fellowship Graduation - Jan 24
How can I apply for the YoungEd Fellowship programme?
Candidates can apply for the programme on our website by the above stated date
Can I apply multiple times for the YoungEd Fellowship programme?
In general, yes, candidates can apply multiple times.
Scholars - Can apply each year. Continued support will be based on academic performance in the previous year.
Professionals - Can apply once every 2 years. This is to enable other candidates to also benefit from the programme based on our annual budgets.
Who funds YoungEd Africa Programmes?
Local, regional and international organizations as well as generous Africans who are interested in contributing to our mission.
How can I contribute to the mission?
No. Application and participation in all YoungEd Africa Programmes is FREE.
Have more questions?
Kindly contact us here.